Take Pilates wherever you go while giving back to organizations making a difference in our community.
Sarah is a one of a kind Pilates instructor. She combines an exceptional level of knowledge, clarity, and passion to create a truly wonderful class experience. Her understanding of movement and how our bodies operate makes her supremely qualified. I am certain that I have become a stronger, healthier, and more aware person from taking Sarah’s class - and not just body awareness. Sarah’s initiative to provide affordable and accessible Pilates classes is at the heart of her work. Through Pilates for a Cause, Sarah has endeavored to create a safe space for everyone of every kind of background and skill level to gather (in person or virtually) and practice Pilates. Sarah’s compassion is unparalleled and the way she weaves her work with the Harriet Tubman Effect Institute and her expertise in Pilates make her an extraordinary and inspiring teacher. In fact, Sarah is so inspiring, she inspired me to work towards achieving my own Pilates mat certification! You won’t find a kinder, more encouraging, and more dedicated Pilates coach or, for that matter, person than Sarah Powell-Shaff!
Joseph Fierberg | Client
Sarah is an absolute pleasure to work with. With a warm, inviting approach, Sarah does an exceptional job of creating a comfortable, nurturing environment, suitable for learning and developing movement. Her ability to adapt, introduce new concepts, while still hammering the basics, with major attention to detail, is quite a remarkable balancing act. I look forward to growing with Sarah over the years!
Eyosyas Tadesse | Personal Trainer
I was lucky enough to meet Sarah as one of my teachers for a Pilates certification. She is a wonderful mentor and so knowledgeable. Under her instruction, I got so much stronger, had my eyes opened to the complexity of a 'simple' exercise, and attempted (and in a few cases conquered) exercises I could only have dreamed of when I started. But the crucial difference she's made in my life and health has been all the more profound in the last two years. Sarah helped guide me - virtually and eventually again in person - through Pilates during pregnancy and most importantly postpartum. Gaining my confidence and eventual strength after a c-section felt extremely daunting but Sarah's knowledge of Pilates, anatomy, and thoughtfulness kept me motivated to take the time each week to get on the mat. Working with Sarah is an essential part of my week.
Karin Waldbrand | Client
Sarah is truly a gifted instructor: calm and kind in her tone, yet very clear and direct in her cues and instruction. She always offers modifications and makes Pilates an equitable and accessible experience without skimping on the rigor and getting a great workout. I have had Sarah guest teach for my online Pilates business in the past and plan on having her return in the future- she is simply phenomenal and I feel so lucky to be able to learn from her and call her a reputable colleague!!
Emily Relyea-Spivack | www.pilat-ease.com
Photo by Daryl Getman - DAG Photography