I had every intention of writing a HAPPY NEW YEAR newsletter to be sent out January 1st, but I unfortunately need to share a personal update instead. On Wednesday, December 20th, our apartment building caught fire. It began on our floor, and I was thankfully home, so I was able to get myself and Zoey out safely. And the best news is all residents were able to evacuate safely, so no casualties. Due to the winds and nature of the fire, it became a 5 alarm fire with 198 firefighters fighting for almost 5 hours to get it out. They believe the fire began due to illegal use of a blowtorch during construction of an empty apartment on our floor. Our building has been full vacate order ever since the fire. We still have not been let back into the building as it is deemed unsafe for the top floor where we live. Thanks to our doggy webcam and what we could see on it, we believe we were spared from the flames, but the firemen used our apartment to fight the fire, so the water damage will be quite extensive. We will be lucky if we can retrieve anything from the apartment. We have mourned and grieved significantly since the fire as this was our first home together and our home for 8.5 years. We've lived in two apartments in the building and cherish our community in the building as well as all their pets. Zoey is extremely beloved in our building and so well taken care of with pets, treats and playdates. To see our home and sense of comfort and safety taken away is a new level of hurt I have not experienced and wouldn't wish on anyone. So many of you have reached out and want to help. We already have received such immense help - many selfless friends have offered us temporary shelter, home cooked meals, clothing and toiletries and financial assistance for future needs. We know that many in our building are not near as privileged as we are. Our goal throughout this process has been to make sure the needs of our neighbors are taken care of as much as ours. With that in mind, I am going to share several GoFundMe links below. One is for the whole building as well as for individual families who we are close with, one being our neighbor directly on our floor in our old apartment who truly have nothing left as the flames destroyed everything they own. I will share ours as well, but please consider contributing to the funds of families in our building. They need help more than we do. I will be sure to donate 20% of proceeds from January's Pilates On Demand to those families directly. If you haven't already, you also can sign up for my platform and take my On Demand classes. I will do my best to update with new classes as I can. But know there are 150 classes there, so you will be well taken care of in my absence. Thank you all again for your support. I hope you know that I am so ready to support you should you ever need. We have no idea how we will ever repay all of you, but we certainly will do our best to pay it forward and continue to advocate for all those in need. All our love and wishing you the healthiest, happiest and safest new year, - Sarah, Adam and Zoey
December is always the time of year for reflection and gratitude. Looking back on this year, I am so proud of some big milestones that I achieved in my career this year. I am endlessly thankful for the health and love of my inner circle. And I am continuously awed by the support of our community around us - most importantly you. I am so grateful for your support - whether reading my emails, checking in on us via text, following us on social media, taking sessions with me or subscribing to Pilates On Demand - you are part of our "ensemble" and we are wishing you and yours the healthiest and happiest holiday season yet. This month, 20% of our proceeds goes to GrowNYC. Currently, City Council of New York will cut funding for composting on January 1st. DSNY has opted to slash all $7 million in funding to community composting services including LES Ecology Center, Big Reuse and more. That also includes GrowNYC, which means no more food scrap drop off at farmers markets. Of the three bin options that are currently available, the Orange Bins are rarely if ever turned into finished compost. They are turned into "engineered bioslurry," releasing harmful methane. The Brown Bins that are curbside for residents are also not being turned into compost. They are combined with sewage and burned into forms of energy that power local homes, and if not used there, they go to the landfill. The Green Bins are the best option - used by GrowNYC, Big Reuse, Nurture BK and LES Ecology Center. These are your community compost options and are your best bet to ensure your waste actually turns into true compost, used for street trees, parks and public lands with no greenhouse gases released. STEPS YOU CAN DO TO MAKE CHANGE: 1) Sign the GrowNYC petition. 2) Reach out to your council member. 3) Join the rally on November 30th. *Thank you to SustainableSABS for the above information. GrowNYC was originally created in 1970 as the Council on the Environment of New York City (CENYC). Born out of the spirit of the first Earth Day, CENYC was initially a policy-based organization, writing comprehensive reports about quality of life issues like air quality, traffic, and noise. Our city has changed a lot since then and so have we. Today, GrowNYC is a leading 501(3)(c) environmental nonprofit in NYC - helping more than 3 million New Yorkers by providing essential sustainability services and taking action to make NYC a truly livable city. One where every New Yorker can enjoy a healthier, more sustainable life. Their mission is to empower all New Yorkers with equitable access to fresh, locally grown food, neighborhood green spaces, opportunities to reduce waste, and care for the environment. They envision a New York City where fresh, nutritious food is ensured as a basic human right. Where our foodshed is protected and local farmers prosper. Where all have access to places to gather and grow. Where they handle our waste responsibly. And where all New Yorkers, especially those with frontline identities*, are empowered to enact their vision of a thriving community. *“Frontline identities” includes but is not limited to BIPOC, queer, those with disabilities, and new immigrants Some of their programs include: Food Access and Agriculture - their network of Greenmarket farmers markets, Farmstands, along with their Food Hub ensures that all New Yorkers have access to the freshest, healthiest local food. Zero Waste - They blanket the five boroughs with resources like textile and food scrap collection, Stop 'N' Swaps, and free training to make waste reduction easy for all. Green Space - They build and support community and school gardens, providing construction expertise, technical assistance, green infrastructure support, school garden grants, and more. Education - They foster future environmental stewards by providing 70,000 children and adults each year with programs that provide meaningful interactions with the natural environment. To learn more about their outstanding work and contribute more to their work, visit their website: https://www.grownyc.org/ |
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